
Calendars are used for scheduling time-based control for multiple panel operations as follows:

At any particular time, any schedule within the calendar can be ‘active’ if its time conditions are satisfied.

Each week of the year is assigned an ordinal number. Depending on the fall of days within a month, there may be 52 or 53 weeks in one year. The SPC calendar implementation conforms to the ISO8601international standard.

Configuring calendars

Performable actions


Add a new calendar.


Configure setting schedules for exceptional circumstances outside of the normal weekly schedules


Edit or view the selected calendar.


Delete the selected calendar.

The calendar cannot be deleted if it is currently assigned to an SPC configuration item, that is, zone, area, user profile, output, trigger, door or X-Bus component. A message is displayed indicating the assigned item.

  Global calendars created using SPC Manager cannot be deleted as shown with Calendar 3 above.